
To prepare young nursing professionals, competent to deliver comprehensive holistic health care with special emphasis on community health services to meet the health needs of medically underprivileged areas of our community

Health care and upliftment of the population of Kollam district and surrounding area through quality educational preparation of Student nurses

To uphold the ethical values, be loyal to the higher ideas of the health profession.

To foster team work and cooperative effort in the institution.

To uphold respect for human life from the moment of conception to its natural end and cultivate a genuine feeling of compassion for the patients.

To conduct research activities, execute social services and motivate community development programs

To promote and motivate students to cultivate leadership qualities.


To provide students centered quality education to equip them with application of relevant knowledge from humanities, biological and behavioral science in carrying out health care.

To make a qualitative contribution to health care through training of personnel who are dedicated to healing ministry.

To prepare nurse as a minister at altar of human life, with upholding respect for human life from the moment of conception to the natural end.

To promote team spirit to deliver comprehensive holistic health care.


To help the students acquire knowledge of theory and principles from humanities, biological and behavioral sciences to carryout individualistic health care.

To provide quality nursing care to clients at various settings such as hospitals and community and other health care agencies irrespective of religion or caste, particularly the less fortunate.

To promote problem solving and evidence based practice through research activities.

To help students to practice genuine feeling of compassion, indiscrimination and ethical values in their personal, professional life.

To provide over all development of students with special emphasis on intellectual, cultural psychosocial and spiritual aspects.

To motivate and cultivate leadership qualities in the students so that they will assume leadership position in the profession and society helping in developmental activities of health care and society.

Short term Objectives

To promote students centered learning.

To incorporate innovative teaching methodologies.

To initiate carrier advancement training program for nurse.

To develop online learning resources.

To update teachers knowledge and skill to provide advanced learning facilities to the students.

Long term Objectives

To start collaborate program with other institution and agencies.

To start inter disciplinary research activities.

To initiate students/ faculty exchange program.

To undertake research projects from international agencies.

To develop online feedback mechanism.