As a part of National immunisation day [NID] programme on 29.01.2017 ,THE District Health Authority organized a training programme for the volunteers in collaboration with community health nursing department under the guidance of Mrs. Sheeja.S, HOD. The team consisted of Mrs.Krishnaveni, RCH Officer Kollam, Mrs.Cicily, MCH Officer, Kollam, Mrs.Geetha V,LHI and Mrs. Annamma, JPHN. The programme started at 2.30 pm. Welcome address was provided by Mrs.Mekha. K.Gopinath, Tutor. Following that training programme which included sessions like history of programme, its importance, vaccine vial monitoring and general instruction for volunteers was provided for IV B.Sc.Nursing students through powerpoint presentation.Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Teena S Babu, IV B.Sc.nursing student.The programme was concluded at 4.00pm.