A health camp conducted at C.S.I Balikamanthiram and Bala bhavan on 26.01.2016 from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm. It was organized by NSS unit, community department and OBG department participated in that programme. The camp started with prayer song by II Year Bsc nursing Students.
Welcome speech was given by ms aswani.s iv year bsc nursing student. Inaugural speech delivered by prof.Anoopa.kr,principal bishop benziger college of nursing kollam. Message given by Mr. kj.Thomas and a Short film shown on the theme of “do not waste food” to the children.
A health check up was done.35 boys and 32 girls attended the health check up.the health check up and prescription of medicine done by Dr .Sarasu Philip, medical officer who offer voluntary medical service to the children home. The health arrangement was done by community posting students(ii year and iv year).most common health problems found were skin infections allergies, wound infections, vitamin deficiencies, and fungal infections. Most of the children were having inadequate weight and height .
A health education given for the adolescent girls regarding menstrual hygiene by Ms. Revathy.s IV year student. Health education on personnel hygiene given for all children, which was given by khadeeja a from IV year. At last puppet show done regarding ill effects of alcoholism, smoking and drug abuse that was perfo rmed by IV year students